Povray - Open Source --- MA_Screenplay
Published: |
29.12.2024 |
Status: |
beta |
Screenplay macro collection makes it easy to create complex animations. Without it, a lot of work has to be done with
clock and
clock_on - with it, a large number of short, different scenes can be merged into a long film rapidly. As the name suggests, a kind of screenplay is defined, where and what object should appear when.
In addition to the include file, the package contains several example files.
ma_screenplay_example2_tutorial.pov is structured as a tutorial in which I wrote at each step, when and what and why. Inside, geometric objects such as spheres, rectangles, cones and others are chased around to make the explanations reasonably clear.
ma_screenplay_example7_tussi.pov sends my action-hungry space probe
Tussi on its way. Once from Earth to space, to the moon and a landing on it. Complex problems are worked with, which shows the capabilities of screenplay. There are also countless comments built into the file, which expands this documentation.
Terminal command
To create all the images for an animation, an INI file is a good idea. However, this is too much work for me, so I prefer the short variant via the console call.
povray +Ima_screenplay_example2_tutorial.pov +Oanim2/anim0- +w1200 +h900 -GR +A +KFI0 +KFF10000
povray +Ima_screenplay_example0_empty.pov +Oanim2/anim0- +w800 +h600 -GR -A +KFI0 +KFF10000
See also
The parameters
+KFI0 +KFF10000 ensure that the script runs more or less endlessly. If more images are requested via terminal than the specifications for runtime and frames-per-second allow, Screenplay aborts with a simulated error. It has done its job by then, the error is marked accordingly and does not mean anything evil.
There are several terminal lines stored in the header area of the most of my Povray files, which can be used to create individual images, all images, movies or animated gifs.
Despite the examples mentioned inside, there should be no lack of a few words to get started. For all code snippets shown here, the following container can be used, which is also included as a file in the zip:
#version 3.7;
#include "ma_helpers.inc"
#include "ma_screenplay.inc"
#declare LigVector = <0,10,0>*100;
#declare CamLookAt = <0,3,0>;
#declare CamLocation = <1 , 5 ,-15>;
#declare CamAngle = 60;
#declare SCR_FPS = 10;
#declare SCR_SecondStart = 0;
#declare SCR_SecondEnd = 10;
#declare SCR_SecondFreeze = 5;
#macro SCR_Init ()
SCR_RegisterScene ("first", 10)
#macro SCR_Timeline ( mSimulation )
/* Fill in the example-lines here instead of this comment*/
//Do some other stuff
MA_Testarea (5)
sky_sphere { pigment { color Gray05 } }
Example 1 - very simple
Let's start bit by bit and see what work Screenplay does.
Below the code that should be inserted in place of the green comment above.
//Say what scene you define
//Define the screenplay
#local mName = "sphere";
#local mProp = "translate-y";
#local mValueStart = 0;
#local mValueEnd = 8;
#local mSecond0 = 0.0;
#local mSecond1 = 0.0;
#local mSecond2 = 10;
#local mSecond3 = 10;
SCR_SetNumber (mName, mProp, mValueStart, mValueEnd, "", mSecond0, mSecond1, mSecond2, mSecond3, 1)
//Handle the actor(s)
#local mTransY = SCR_GetNumber ("sphere", "", "translate-y", 0);
sphere {
<0,0.5,0> 0.5
texture { pigment { color rgb <0,1,0> } }
translate <0,mTransY, 0>
It does nothing more than assign new values for
translate to a sphere. The movie runs for 10 seconds, the Y-value of translate is linearly incremented during this 10 seconds. No matter how many frames-per-seconds are set, the macro
SCR_SetNumber() does the calculation and
SCR_GetNumber() brings the value back to light later.
Within larger animations, all assignments would come with
Set in the upper block, regardless of how the objects are created and what they look like.
Of course, no one needs to work with so many variables, all values can be passed directly to the macros. However, this can quickly become confusing.
This isthe shorthand notation of the example above.
SCR_SetNumber ("sphere", "translate-y", 0, 8, "", 0, 0, 10, 10, 1)
sphere {
<0,0.5,0> 0.5
texture { pigment { color rgb <0,1,0> } }
translate <0, SCR_GetNumber ("sphere", "", "translate-y", 0), 0>
Which makes it easier to introduce
SCR_SetVector() and accordingly
SCR_GetVector(). In this way, the sphere can be moved over all three axes. In our example, it moves from left-bottom to right-top.
SCR_SetVector ("sphere", "translate", <-5,0,0>, <+5,8,0>, "", 0, 0, 10, 10, 1)
sphere {
<0,0.5,0> 0.5
texture { pigment { color rgb <0,1,0> } }
translate SCR_GetVector ("sphere", "", "translate", <0,0,0>)
Second-0 to second-3
The calculation takes place between
Second1 and
Second2. Only there are the values extrapolated from
ValueStart to
ValueEnd. However, sometimes it has been shown that values for time spans before and after are useful. Since Povray does not allow optional parameters, I would have had to write new macros or macro headers for these cases, which would have been unnecessarily complicated.
Thus, between
Second0 and
Second1, the value of
ValueStart is used.
Which value is used between
Second2 and
Second3 depends on the very last parameter
EndState. If endstate = 0 (green sphere),
ValueStart is active again, otherwise
ValueEnd is returned till the end (blue box).
Simplified example:
#local mSecond0 = 0;
#local mSecond1 = 2;
#local mSecond2 = 8;
#local mSecond3 = 10;
SCR_SetVector ("sphere", "translate-y", 0, 8, "", mSecond0, mSecond1, mSecond2, mSecond3, 0)
SCR_SetVector ("box", "translate-y", 0, 8, "", mSecond0, mSecond1, mSecond2, mSecond3, 1)
SCR_SetVector ("both", "translate-x", -5, 5, "", 0, 0, 10,10, 1)
The last parameter of
SCR_Get*() is a
default value that is returned if no calculated value for the variable can be found. Among other things, it is good to find out why something doesn't want to move at all.
#declare mFloat = SCR_GetFloat ("test", "", "translate-x", 0);
#declare mVector = SCR_GetVector ("test", "", "translate", <10,2,-3>);
The parameter left blank in the middle of the
SCR_Set*() macros indicates the
type of slope with which the calculation is performed. Without parameters, linear calculations are performed, with 10 steps from 0 to 10 thus in steps of 1.
A comma or semicolon-separated text is specified, consisting of the type of slope, the repetition rate and the starting point within the slope. Example: "cosinus;2;1".
For more detailed information, see the documentation on
MA_GetSlope() and
MA_GetSlope_ByString(), which are included in my general purpose tool
#declare mFloat = SCR_GetFloat ("test", "linear", "translate-x", 0);
#declare mVector = SCR_GetVector ("test", "cosinus++;1,0", "translate", <10,2,-3>);
How exactly to use them and how they differ is explained in the tutorial Povray file on living objects.
string macros decide from the others, because a string cannot be calculated, its either there or not. Maybe something will change in the macro parameters in the future, so far I haven't had enough applications to find out the best parameters. The three possible values are returned between the four seconds.
SCR_SetNumber ("wall", "height", mValueStart, mValueEnd, mSlope, mS0, mS1, mS2, mS3, 1)
SCR_SetFloat ("wall", "height", mValueStart, mValueEnd, mSlope, mS0, mS1, mS2, mS3, 1) //same as SetNumber
SCR_SetVector ("bird", "position", mValueStart, mValueEnd, mSlope, mS0, mS1, mS2, mS3, 1)
SCR_SetString ("text", "message ", mValue1, mValue2, mValue3, mS0, mS1, mS2, mS3)
#local mHeight = SCR_GetFloat ("wall", "", "height" , 0);
#local mPos = SCR_GetVector ("bird", "", "position" , <1,1,1>);
#local mText = SCR_GetString ("text", "", "message" , "nothing to say");
A spline must be defined before and passed to the macro as one parameter
Value-Start. The resulting value is determined with
GetVector(), because that's exactly what you want to get back. There is no GetSpline() macro.
#local mSpline = spline { // linear_spline | quadratic_spline | cubic_spline | natural_spline
-0.25, <-5,+1,-3>
0.00, <+5,+1,-5>
0.25, <+5,+1,+5>
0.50, <-5,+4,+4>
0.55, <-4,+2,+3>
0.75, <-5,+1,-3>
1.00, <+5,+1,-5>
1.25, <+5,+1,+5>
SCR_SetSpline ("flightpath", "translate", mValueStart, mSpline, mSlope, mS0, mS1, mS2, mS3, 1)
ShowBigRocket ( SCR_GetVector ("flightpath", "", "translate", <0,0,0> ) )
In the mixed type countless parameters can be accommodated in a string. For many things, vectors can be misused, but with more than three or five dimensions, it slowly becomes cramped in them. The first thing that comes to mind in this context is a robotic arm that can rotate its foot and head and tilt joints between the arms.
/* translate (3 params), rotation foot, tilt-1, tilt-2, tilt-3, rotation head */
#local mMixed1 = " 0, 0, -20, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0";
#local mMixed2 = " 0, 0, 100, 90, 20,180, 90, 45";
SCR_SetMixed ("robotic-arm", "all", mMixed1, mMixed2, mSlope, mS0, mS1, mS2, mS3, 1)
#local mTrans = SCR_GetMixed_Vector ("robotic-arm", "", "all", 0, 2, <0,0,0>); //first three parameter
#local mRotate1 = SCR_GetMixed_Number ("robotic-arm", "", "all", 3, 0);
#local mTilt1 = SCR_GetMixed_Number ("robotic-arm", "", "all", 4, 0);
#local mTilt1 = SCR_GetMixed_Number ("robotic-arm", "", "all", 5, 0);
#local mTilt1 = SCR_GetMixed_Number ("robotic-arm", "", "all", 6, 0);
#local mRotate2 = SCR_GetMixed_Number ("robotic-arm", "", "all", 7, 0);
ShowMyAmazingRoboticArm ( mTrans, mRotate1, mTilt1, mTilt2, mTilt3, mRotate2 )
As a special type, there are
SetMarker and
GetMarker, which can be used to mark a range in the timeline without having to calculate anything. If the presence of a starry sky between second 10 and 30 is required, the corresponding lines would look like this:
SCR_SetMarker("stars", 10, 30)
#if (SCR_GetMarker("stars"))
Der ominöse zweite Parameter
The second parameter of the Get macros was always left blank in the examples.
#local mHeight = SCR_GetFloat ("wall", "", "height" , 0);
It is intended to simply name objects that are created within objects. One example is the spaceship Tussi, which, among other things, generates a main propulsion system internally and attaches itself to the underside.
Tussi gets generated like this:
#local mTussi = TU_GetTussi ("tussi", "", mTussiParams, mTussiCenterType)
Macro header and first line in it look like this (for example, spread over several lines):
#macro TU_GetTussi (mParentName, mNewName, xParams, mCenterType)
#ifndef( MA_Screenplay_Temp ) /* checks if screenplay is included */
#local mMyName = ""; /* default if Screenplay isnt available */
#local mMyName = SCR_GetName(mParentName, mNewName);
The name
mMyName is formed from the two supplied names, separated by "/".
In this case
mMyName = "tussi".
Further down, the main engine is generated.
#local mEngine = TU_MainEngine ( mMyName, "engine", mParams)
The main engine again has a macro header and the same first line:
#macro TU_MainEngine ( mParentName, mNewName, mParams)
#ifndef( MA_Screenplay_Temp ) #local mMyName = ""; #else #local mMyName = SCR_GetName(mParentName, mNewName); #end
mMyName is now "tussi/engine" and could thus be passed further to sub-objects. In this case, Tussi can simply pass her name separately, the second part is the name of the engine.
Ok... to be fair, I didn't quite understand my own description while proofreading, I recommend to have a look at the Tussi-Tutorial.
In principle, the whole thing only saves a number of concats and may seem exaggerated with only two object levels. However, since I'm dealing with sub and sub-sub-sub objects, I'd rather pass one more empty parameter than constantly concat parameters.
Let's think for example of my planned ISS. The rangefinder on a telescope of the Columbus module could be called "iss/columbus/tele3/laser" and would be used with that name in the Set and Get macros.
An example that hopefully illustrates my way of thinking is the third scene in the tutorial, called "Magic-Object".
Internal handling
Internally, relevant timeline-related data is stored in a large array located in the variable
SCR_Data. This usually has many rows, but only three columns.
As there are:
- Name of the object "sphere"
- Name of the property "translate"
- the value "<0,75.333, -197.4545>"
For each
set macro called, the first thing to check is whether the frame currently being rendered is between Second0 and Second3 at all. If not, the work is stopped immediately and the set command is ignored.
Example: A frame is to be rendered in
second 35 and the following call comes in:
SCR_SetVector ("sphere", "translate", <-5,0,0>, <+5,8,0>, "", 10, 10, 20, 20, 1)
The instruction takes place between second 10 and 20. Second 35 is currently in demand, so the instruction is not relevant and gets ignored. For this combination of name and property (sphere and translate) the default specified in
SCR_Get*() is returned.
Especially in larger animations the vast majority of set instructions are ignored, only a few of them calculate values that ends up in the large array.
We are still in
second 35 and this is what is happening:
SCR_SetVector ("cylinder", "rotate", <0,0,0>, <180,0,60>, "linear", 30, 32, 38, 40, 1)
The set macro not only determines that the instruction needs to be handled, but that we are between 32 and 38 seconds. Accordingly, the values (here <0,0,0> and <180,0,60>) must be calculated linearly over a period of 6 seconds (38-32) to form a final result.
Only this end result ends up in the array
SCR_Data, along with the name "cylinder" and property "rotate".
Now we are in the lower part, where the heroes of your film ask what they have to do.
SCR_GetVector ("sphere", "", "translate", <0,0,0>)
SCR_GetVector ("cylinder", "", "rotate", <0,0,0>)
The sphere gets the default value and lands on <0,0,0>.
The cylinder, on the other hand, is supplied with a calculated value, in this case <90,0,30>.
Here is the content of the array that the Tussi-Example produces in second 45.
Comment: SCR_Data
Rows : 200
Cols : 3
stars, INTERNAL-marker, 1.000000
lig, vector, 0.0000,0.0000,-1000000.0000
sun, INTERNAL-marker, 1.000000
tussi, translate, 0.7007,0.0000,0.0000
tussi, rotate, 0.0000,-45.0000,-90.0000
moon, rotate, 0.0000,-0.0201,0.0000
cam, location, 0.1752,5.0000,50.0000
cam, lookat, 0.7007,0.0000,0.0000
It looks different in second 16.
Comment: SCR_Data
Rows : 200
Cols : 3
stars, INTERNAL-marker, 1.000000
tussi/engine, active, 1.000000
tussi/booster1, active, 1.000000
tussi/booster2, active, 1.000000
tussi/booster3, active, 1.000000
tussi/booster4, active, 1.000000
tussi, translate, 0.0000,389.3215,0.0000
cam, location, 1.0000,5.0000,-25.0000
cam, lookat, 0.0000,390.2069,0.0000
cam, angle, 60.000000
cam, location, 0.0000,379.2881,-50.0000
bluesky, transmit, 0.801603
tussi/leg1, stretched, 0.000000
tussi/leg2, stretched, 0.000000
tussi/leg3, stretched, 0.000000
tussi/leg4, stretched, 0.000000
tussi/booster1, separation, 5.030060
tussi/booster2, separation, 8.036072
tussi/booster3, separation, 5.030060
tussi/booster4, separation, 8.036072
Despite about a hundred set-calls in the example, it looks reasonably clear in the array. However, it can also look completely different. The more objects are present and the more happens, the fuller the array becomes.
All scenes of the movie are defined in a separate macro.
#macro SCR_Init ()
SCR_RegisterScene ("first", 20)
SCR_RegisterScene ("slopes", 15)
SCR_RegisterScene ("magic", 30)
The first parameter defines the
name of the scene, the second the
duration in seconds. In this way, all other screenplay macros are informed about which scenes there are and when they appear in the film.
At the top of each scene of, before all the details of the timeline, it is said to which scene the information belongs. Among other things, this has the advantage that the seconds within a scene always start at 0 and do not have to be added up consecutively.
This is especially nice if the duration of a scene changes during development, as not everything has to be changed again in every scene.
SCR_SetScene ("first")
SCR_SetNumber ("sphere", "translate", <0,0,0>, <3,0,20>, "cosinus++", 0, 0, 20, 20, 1)
SCR_SetNumber ("box", "rotate", <0,0,0>, <180,0,360>, "linear" , 0, 0, 10, 20, 1)
SCR_SetScene ("second")
SCR_SetNumber ("car", "move", <0,0,0>, <3,0,20>, "bounce+", 0, 0, 15, 15, 1)
Start Screenplay
Almost at the end of the Povray file, Screenplay must finally be started.
/* Execute Screenplay */
This line brings all the work to life. As long as everything has been coded without errors.
Splitting the instructions
The creation of a longer animation actually has to be imagined like in Hollywood. There is a writer who writes the story, and on the other hand the actors, who follow these instructions.
Therefore, you should always get used to two strictly separated areas.
Above the script, the timeline - the virtual part
It is only about the definitions of when what should be done. Nothing else! How the later objects are created and what kind of effort is behind it is completely irrelevant in the upper part.
Only instructions are given at the top. In keeping with the motto: How do I post a Giraffe? Pack it in a box, have it picked up, done. In principle, this upper part can be written by someone who has only a limited idea of Povray.
Below are the objects or actors, the heroes of the film - the practical implementation
All the objects blindly follow the script created far in advance and only care about looking good in the right scene. When they have to be where is hidden behind many ominous
SCR_Get*() macros, the calls of the director or writer, so to speak. Those below have nothing to do with the whole calculation, they are supposed to stand somewhere on command (from above!) and look as desired, where they don't care at all and that's the way it should be.
There you can then become aware that
posting a Giraffe is something more complicated.
Not separating and instead mixing the two parts, and you won't find anything again.
If it works, the macro doesn't matter, it's still not a good idea.
Feel free to try it out, wish you good luck.
That's it for now
This documentation could go on for pages, but I don't have the time for that.
If you are curious, you should take a look at the zip and the sample files it contains.
ma_screenplay.7z => 180 kB 7-Zip - Version 1.0 from 29th December 2024