Povray --- Links and tutorials
http://povray.org/ - official Povray-Website
http://povray.org/documentation/3.7.0/r3_0.html - Povray referenz
http://f-lohmueller.de/pov_tut/pov__eng.htm - really good tutorials with hundreds of examples in english and german
http://povray.org/documentation/3.7.0/t2_0.html - official tutorials at povray.org
Boards and Communities
http://news.povray.org/groups/ - as I know the only one message-board
Free sourcecode
http://objects.povworld.org/cat/ - hundreds sourcecodes small and medium size, including some spaceships, not everything working with Povray 3.7
http://old.dylanbeattie.net/starwars/ships.html - some Stars-Wars spaceships, most in Povray 3.7